Prospective Students

MSC Scholarship: We are currently inviting applications for Masters scholarship to work on the African Route-collectors Data Analyzer (ARDA) project. The scholarship is sponsored by AFRINIC and ISOC. 

The successful candidate will explore ways for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of route/peering data analysis and visualization. This project is to be undertaken in the Computer Science department at the University of Cape Town, with support from the Internet Society and Afrinic. Interested applicants should email me at (jchavula AT,  providing a brief academic background and experience. Further details about the project are here

PhD Funding Opportunity: Every year, there is a call for PhD studentship applications through UCT’s Hasso-Plattner Research School. The deadline is 15 August each year for admission in February of the following year. Send me an email if you interested in networks research and if you would like to apply for funding to work with me.

Prospective postgraduate students can contact me on jchavula_at_cs_dot_uct_dot_ac_za to discuss potential research projects and possible funding avenues.

Your introductory email should clearly state your research background, prior qualifications, and potential areas of research. In essence, your inquiry email should include at least the following:

  1. Research Statement/Proposal (1 page): A statement of your research background and interests, and a proposed topic of research. If you have a specific project in mind, please also describe any existing relationships with your collaborating organizations and research partners. You should also look at my past publications and current projects and explain how they align with your research interests.
  2. Curriculum Vitae: This should include any relevant education, research and working experience, voluntary work, and publications.